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Ancel Little
75 years
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Árvore Genealógica
Alice Justice God's Newest Flower February 3, 2007
God must have looked around His garden
And found a place where no flower grew
Then stretched out His arms toward Earth
And wrapped them tight around you

He lifted you toward Heaven
Taking you home to rest
You must be extra special
For He only takes the best

It breaks our hearts to lose you
But we know you aren't alone
You're surrounded by all your loved ones
Who've been waiting for you to come home

Someday we hope to join you
By that mansion in the sky
And we'll be planted in that garden
When God gives us wings to fly

by:  Alice Justice


With heartfelt sadness, our thoughts and prayers go out to Aunt Clara, Cousins Larry and Betty, their children and families.

Love to all.

Alice, Elvis and Cousby
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